Welcome to an ever evolving and expanding range of world class quality European made polishing pads tested and developed by Matt with the assistance of his pad testers Australia wide. These pads are custom modified to Matt’s desired specifications from several factories in Europe.
The main benefit with these foams is that they can be used on any polisher type - rotary, gear driven and random orbital polishers with little to no compromises.
The first generation of the Pad King foam range features three different dual density sandwich foam pads with a supportive lower layer to provide lateral and horizontal support to prevent the foam from flattening during heavy use.
The Generation II line will feature the same great foam grades but with the addition of the diagonally recessed centre hole to prevent product and paint residue build up in the centre of the pad as well as extra cooling effects as well. Some slight modifications to foam cell size and more importantly, two different types of state of the art dual density pad designs featuring anti foam flattening features will be part of the improvements from GEN I to GEN II
With three new pad materials from completely different industries, Matt is working hard to push the boundaries of polishing pad technology
To search Europe, Asia and the rest of the world to find the most durable, versatile and innovative polishing pad materials ever seen and have them custom modified to my preferred designs and specification to bring new technology to the industry plus constantly evolving and expanding the range of pads year in year out for the long term as technology improves.